Style Guide

This is a heading


This is a heading


This is a heading


This is a heading


this is a SubTitle


This is a Paragraph. Keep the most important text up front. Consequently, users don’t read UI text — they scan it. Help them scan the text by writing it in short, scannable blocks.

Paragraph large

This is a Paragraph LG. Writing the copy that are part of the UI design is both an art and science. Keep the most important text up front. Be concise. Consequently, users don’t read UI text — they scan it. Help them scan the text by writing it in short, scannable blocks.

Paragraph extra large

This is a Paragraph LG. Writing the copy that are part of the UI design is both an art and science. Keep the most important text up front. Be concise. Consequently, users don’t read UI text — they scan it. Help them scan the text by writing it in short, scannable blocks.

Text Blocks
Text Large
This is a Text Large.
This is a Text.
Text Small
This is a Text Small.
Primary Buttons
Primary Button Large
Button Text
Primary Button
Button Text
Primary Button Small
Button Text
Secondary Buttons
Secondary Button Large
Button Text
Secondary Button
Button Text
Secondary Button Small
Button Text